Monday, April 5, 2010

"One" - what?

So one night when I couldn't sleep, which is every night, I decided to turn on MTV. Did you know that they actually play videos late at night? Yeah, me either. Maybe there's a good reason not many people know they play actual videos that late and it's not because most people are sleeping during that time. It's because the videos they play are like a bad dream. I really thought for a moment that I was having a bad dream, either that or the acid I took back in the 90's was creeping back up on me. I only watched two videos, well two and a half before I turned the t.v. off. The first video I saw was from a band called "One Eskimo" the song "Kandi', I honestly thought I was tripping, it was so confusing. Now, I'm one for experimental sounding music and all but this shit was just too weird, even for me. Does this band actually have a following? The next video was from "Neon Trees" yes, I said "Neon Trees", the song "Animal". What was worse than their 80's throwback sound was the lead singers hair. The last video that came on, that I didn't even watch all the way through, was "30 Seconds to Mars". Holyshit, is Jared Leto for real, really? The song was "This is War",it was more like "this is hell", if you ask me. Sorry for sounding so jaded, new music lately has left me a bit disillusioned. I added the video for "Kandi" so you can share in my flashbacks.

One Eskimo - Kandi


Blogger John Z said...

hehehe you're getting old

April 7, 2010 at 9:30 AM  
Blogger John Z said...

Yeah this is all greasy kid stuff. The demographic for MTV, actual music vids or otherwise is the 8 - 16 year old market.

April 7, 2010 at 9:35 AM  

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