Tuesday, July 1, 2008

True Love

I’ve been listening to a lot of music lately, trying to find something to write about, in the mist of a very busy time at work. There have been few things I liked, one that has stood out the most is the new album by Spiritualized - Songs in A&E.
Lead singer Jason Pierce aka Jason Spaceman has been writing music for over 20 years, starting with the band Spaceman 3 in the early 80’s, then when the band split up in 1990 Jason went on to forge the critically acclaimed band Spiritualized.
Songs in A&E is the first new album in five years from Spiritualized. It greatly reflects vocalist Jason Pierce’s brush with death from double pneumonia, which in turn kept him from finishing the album for two years.
On his way back to good health, Jason started working on music for the soundtrack to Harmony Korine’s new movie Mr. Lonely. On Songs in A&E there are six short instrumental pieces that are tributes to Harmony for his inspiration to help Jason finish the album. Simply titled Harmony (1 – 6), they are focal points to the delicate story Jason narrates on this album. I can’t honestly say which song or songs I like most because there cannot be one without the other. Each song carries the other effortlessly from beginning to end. It’s very compelling. Listen to samples from each song off the album on Amazon:

In doing my research on the band I came across a recent cover that Spiritualized did of "True Love Will Find You In The End" by Daniel Johnston. This is one of my favorite songs off a compilation from my brother. Funny side note, I also found an mp3 of my recent infatuation, Basia Bulat, covering the same song…
True Love - Spiritualized

True Love Will Find You - Basia Bulat


Blogger Unknown said...

Pierce got it right with "Sweet Talk". A commentary on the on the pro-war Westerners and how they "drive [us] blind" into a war they so ignorantly believe in...I dig.

Spiritualized is the type of music I have to be in a specific mood for, but that's not to say I don't enjoy it when I take the time to listen.

I also really dig the double whammy cover posts...It's amazing that you can put two songs...the same song...side by side, yet they seem to invoke two different emotions depending on which version you listen to. Rock on with your juxtaposing self!!

Keep up the content

July 2, 2008 at 5:23 AM  
Blogger John Z said...

I love Spiritualized. Jason Spaceman hasn't changed the formula too much over the last two decades yet he somehow stays refreshingly vital and new. He meshes together music that is as deceptively simple as a lullaby yet as weary and bruised as any old delta blues. If you like this new one check out "Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space".

July 2, 2008 at 7:02 AM  
Blogger John Z said...

I have some listening suggestions for you:

Califone's Roots and Crowns: its a couple of years old but if you have never heard them or, their former incarnation, Red Red Meat, I think you will love it as it is right up your alley. This is one of my all time favorite records.

Vetiver's Thing of the Past: I swear to god this sounds like the Velvet Undergrounds long lost record circa Loaded.

That Bon Iver record is gorgeous and sullen. It shouldn't be a summer record but somehow it works. Bummer summer record.

Wolf Parade's At Mount Zoomer: these kids rock. They totally make an old jaded bastard like me want to plug in and turn it up to eleven.

Van Morrison's Keep It Simple: Van is the hardest working man in rock and roll and somehow he has never had a wanker/tool phase like so many of our other heroes have.

Also what do you think about the fact that in this day and age new music is intorduced to us via commercails more than any other medium. Somehow the counter-culture became okay with hearing the Clash in a car commercial and Iggy Pop in a cruise commercial. I am not sure how I feel but it might be an interesting debate to have on you blog.

July 3, 2008 at 7:16 AM  
Blogger John Z said...

Gee this blog is boring. There's hardly ever any new content. I am thinking about removing it from my favorites list. ;-P

July 8, 2008 at 10:07 AM  
Blogger John Z said...

Dude - Have you ever listened to the Zombies "Odessey and Oracle" that is one of the great masterpieces you should check out. That is one of the seminal baroque pop albums. You should expore that a little and review it here.

July 11, 2008 at 7:01 AM  
Blogger essny said...

oh, Bon Iver's "For Emma" is full of beautiful songs but it isn't exactly "fun" (you're not going to be pumping up the volume on this one while driving in the car on a sunny day).

I think our taste in music hardly overlaps, but it's great to see you writing about something you enjoy and feel passionate about.

miss you!


July 13, 2008 at 3:18 PM  

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