Monday, June 23, 2008

Fuck Mondays

Yesterday I spent way too much time listening to music. Although, I did manage to fit in 2 for 1 bloody maria's and some Cajun garlic chicken wings...God I love Sundays. Mondays, that's a whole other story. Here's a little something to beat the blues.

My friend Ryan wanted me to listen to some new material from "Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band." Conor's side project he's been touring with for the last year. I really do love Conor but it seems he's jumped onto the same wagon as Chan Marshall these days and by wagon, I mean rehab. Don't get me wrong, I support a sober lifestyle but if it fucks with the ability to write amazing songs, then I move to support the habit. To be fair, the two songs up on his site, off the upcoming studio album, are well written and easy to digest. I'll most likely acquire a copy of the CD after it's released in August and I'll be front and center when they make their way through Rochester, on the promotional tour. He still happens to be one of my favorite artists to see live.
Listen for yourself here:
Conor Oberst

Next on my agenda is the lovely and ethereal song bird Basia Bulat. Anyone who rocks an Autoharp immediately gets my respect. She apparently hails from the same scene as label mates, Arcade Fire. With the song "Little Waltz", she definitely stirs some of the same scarring emotions as some Arcade Fire songs do. It leaves a little feeling of regret after listening to it.
My favorite song is a live cover of "Someday" by the Strokes. If you can get through the chit chat during the song, then it may just break your heart.
This I promise is worth a listen:
Basia Bulat

Post Note:
Sigur Ros has a new album out tomorrow. I had the opportunity to listen to the whole album on their website. It's brilliant, of course.
I wanted to talk about the last song, which weirdly enough has an English title "All Alright." I don't know if you're anything like me, in that when I hear certain songs, I imagine myself somewhere else. In this case, the song All Alright makes me feel as if I'm in a long, slow funeral procession, on my way to say goodbye to my only true love. Dramatic, I know. Don't get to close to any ledges after hearing this song:
Sigur Ros


Blogger John Z said...

ok so listen to Birds of Paradise like 20 times straight and tell me it doesn't haunt you.

June 24, 2008 at 4:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

First...I think it's important to take into account that this is a Conor Oberst album, not Bright Eyes. That being said, I feel that part of the fun of listening to his albums, be it side-projects or whatnot, is the trip you take with him. Any great musician/artist evolves, and that becomes the story. I think my respect for him comes from the fact that he seems to no longer be wallowing in self pity, but rather pays homage to his former self and how he's grown as a person. As an artist.

but I digress...

I, too, am very much interested to see how the studio versions of these songs pan out compared to the live versions I've heard. One thing I think we can both agree on is that the past is almost always still present in our minds, which leads me to believe that anything Conor puts out will almost certainly contain traces of his darker past

June 24, 2008 at 7:30 AM  
Blogger John Z said...

Fuck Tuesdays Too!

June 25, 2008 at 6:18 AM  

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